I'm so excited! I might actually know what's going on in school when I get back.
Right now, i can understand enough to get by. My host mom doesn't speak to me in English very often anymore. I think I'm doing pretty good.
I don't know if I will have internet or anything for the next two weeks, but I promise there will be lottssss of pictures when I get back!
Also, IT'S SO HOT HERE!!!!
Today is supposed to get up to 100 degrees F.
.. 0_o ..
I;m not excited.
I'm going to melt.
And I'm really sunburned because the public swimming pool is outside. It's ridiculously hot.
But I did buy new sunglasses. :)
Alright. Well I'll post when I can, and I'll have lots of pictures up within the next few weeks!
More later.
Hello Karen, have fun at camp and learn lots..Cool and overcast here..Send us about 20 degrees and we all will be happy...Love you..